Okay, this is my first time to officially participate in WFMW. I'm getting in with just hours to spare!
Have you noticed lately that when you return something, many stores now give you gift cards to use as merchandise credits? I find these incredibly better than the old paper slips, which always managed to get lost or mangled in the wash.
Anyways - here's my tip. It probably sounds terrible, but I often end up using gift cards on gifts for others throughout the year.
I have no less than 6 gift cards in my purse right now, with well over $125 on them. I'm planning to start my Christmas shopping this month, using these cards to get a jump start on the holidays and take a bite out of my budget. Some of these are the result of returned gifts and others were given as gifts I haven't gotten around to using. I just don't have that "it's burning a hole in my pocket" need to spend them on myself. Okay, I kind of need clothes but since I hate shopping for them, that's kind of out.
Don't get me wrong - I do love getting gifts. But last year I got one of those George Foreman grills which was just a bit big for the 18 square inch bit of counter space near the only outlet in my kitchen. I returned it, bought a smaller one that we absolutely love and still had store credit remaining. And if my husband gets one more XXXL flannel shirt . . . well, you get the point! Hey, it works for me!
P.S. Lest you think I don't know how to enjoy gift cards, my favorite way to spend them on myself (especially to bookstores) is to hang on to them until my sis and I can sneak away on a little shopping spree together!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Works for Me Wednesday: Gift Cards-R-Us
Reflections by
7:20 PM
Yea! Welcome to WFMW. I had several cards, too, until recently. I am not a huge shopper, but I like to spend $$, so I'm not sure how I managed to hold on to them.
For some reason, I put much more thought into spending a gift card than when I "just buy something" - so this tip is right up my alley. Good for you for getting a jump on Christmas. I haven't even thought about Labor Day yet. :)
Welcome to WFMW - I'm glad you're doing it!
That is a good idea.
That's great that you were able to get so much back when you bought the smaller grill.
Great first tip! Alas, I do love to spend the gift cards anywhich way I can! :)
Good suggestion. Will keep that in mind!
Hey, you're not my sister in disguise, are you? I'm never sure she likes anything I buy here.
I usually do like almost everything I get. My husband usually gets way too many flannel shirts. Last year was really the first time i ever returned anything my sister got me (except for size exchanges).
I had to share that we got a $75 Lowe's gift card because we purchased some appliances there. So, I told dh that we should go this weekend and buy some random things we need, and he said, "but I don't want to spend the gift card on that!" So, I think Katrina's right, and that's why we hold on to them. We can't just fritter them away. It has to be on something special.
Nice blog--just found you!
God bless your writing!
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