Monday, July 10, 2006

The Wonderful World of Books

Always a sucker for anything to do with books, I eagerly snatched up these questions from Jennifer at Snapshot who got them from Joshua at Quieted Waters.

What book(s) sparked your interest in reading? Meaning, what books first took reading from being a forced activity to being an enjoyable pastime for you?

My mom will tell you I was reading by age 4. Perhaps years later, when I'd excuse myself from the dinner table to use the bathroom but would really hide out reading in there, she regretted her encouragement. Nevertheless, I do remember loving books from a very early age. From my Little Golden Books to booksale finds during college to the myriad of books lining my shelves now, books have always been a part of my life.

Which three books have most changed your life (in a practical, tangible way)?

A Circle of Quiet by Madeleine L'Engle
Will the Real Phony Please Stand Up by Ethel Barrett (based on the book of James, given to me by a HS teacher I very much respected)
Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley

Which three books (outside of the Bible) have most shaped your thoughts on God?

I have to say that Bible study, reading and studying God's word on my own, that have enlightened me most about who He is. But here are some Bible studies that I have really enjoyed:

  • Discipleship Journal Magazine - I know, not a book but this magazine revolutionized my spiritual outlook. I highly recommend a lifetime subscription!
  • One Step Forward, Two Steps back by Charles Swindoll
  • Wisdom Hunter by Randall Arthur (a really excellent book that helped me realize my freedom in Christ
Which book(s), if any, have you intentionally read more than once?
  • The Mitford Series by Jan Karon--Like Jennifer, I love these books and am always up for another readthrough
  • The Well-fed Writer by Peter Bowerman (trying to devour this now as I just launched my own writing and editing service)
  • Poetry by earlier American poets such as Oliver Wendell Holmes and Longfellow, also Tennyson and William Blake
  • The Lord of the Rings series
  • I rarely reread fiction but I think I could read anything by Lisa Samson again
Which three books would you recommend to a brand new Christian?
  • The Gospel of John covers the basics, even for new Christians who have little Bible knowledge
  • Probably something by Max Lucado. He really knows how to put the jelly on the bottom shelf.
  • It's embarrassing but I can't think of a third book to recommend. Probably since it's been so long since I've been a new Christian and as a young child, I grew in the faith under the leadership of good teachers more than books.
Which three books do you plan to have your kids read? (Or - "Which three books were most exciting to read to your kids / to have your kids read?" - for those of you who already have children)
  • I'm sure I'd want to read the Narnia books with them
  • EB White books such as Charlotte's Web and the Trumpet of the Swan
  • Lucy Maude Montgomery books (Anne of Green Gables series) for girls and the Sugar Creek Gang series by Paul Hutchinson for boys
  • The Secret Garden and other books by Frances Hodgson Burnett
If you choose to answer these questions on your blog, why don't you head on over to Jennifer's blog at Snapshot and leave a link there? And check out her post on the Family Book Club while you're at it for a great idea to instill a love of reading within your child.

This list is by no means exhaustive (although it was exhausting to think of just a few favs out of the hundreds of books I've read during my lifetime) but just a smattering of some books I've met along the way that have become good friends.


Jeannine said...

I can't imagine life without books. I'm so glad to live in this day and age with all the books we can choose from and the leisure to read them.

Tammy said...

Hi...just passing through to say I love those books too. It's fun to re-read favorite children's books to my own kids now.

Unknown said...

Well, I'll have to go update my wishlists on amazon now, so I don't forget all these books. I hadn't heard of some of them, but they sound wonderful. The jelly on the bottom shelf, huh? I haven't heard that, but it's a good analogy.