I was sitting in our adult Bible class at church this morning, half listening to the discussion on Rick Warren's book, The Purpose-Driven Life, and half caught up with my latest ideas for a novel. I say latest ideas - not latest novel! The topic of God's purpose in our lives naturally led me to think of my characters, who, although they are professing Christians in full-time ministry, never encountered or considered God's purpose for themselves.
Well, as usual, my imagination ends with a good dose of reality - "Come on, Dianne. Do you really think you'll ever write anything worth anything?"
Then it occurred to me that not once have I ever prayed about my writing. There are plenty of things that I pray about on a regular basis, and plenty more that I need to take to the Lord in prayer more often. I'm no great prayer warrior but I do believe in prayer and especially in Paul's exhortation to "pray without ceasing." So it was a eureka moment for me to realize I've been leaving God out of this very important area of my life. Strange, huh?
I don't know where this realization will take me, but I've decided I need to give my writing to God and seek His direction. This desire that God has put in my heart does have a place in the grand scheme of His purposes, of that I am sure.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
Sunday, January 09, 2005
A "Duh" Moment!
Reflections by
4:04 PM
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