"Off the page" is the phrase that comes to mind to describe what I've been experiencing in my life lately. Think three dimensional. Think comic strip characters brought to life on the big screen. Off the page and into real life. Think John 1:14: "the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And think 2 Corinthians 3:2: "you yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone."
What am I talking about? God keeps bringing people into my life who are living "off the page," so to speak. Living out the word of God in a real and powerful way that is speaking volumes into my life.
It's not like I haven't always had people like this in my life. My mom, for example, has consistently lived out her faith in such a way that has inspired both my sister and me over the years. I think the difference perhaps is that God's just been working over the soil of my heart, loosening up some very hardened ground and creating an increased sense of receptivity. The popular song lyric "open the eyes of my heart" comes to mind.
I think for the first time in my Christian life I'm starting to understand and appreciate the importance of community with other believers. I'm by nature a pretty private person, so it was easy for me to take the concept of a "personal relationship with Christ" to an extreme! But I'm learning that growing together is the way God meant for it to be. Yes, as some of us were discussing this morning, the commitment to growth is my responsibility. Only I can say "yes" to God and take that next step. But God really doesn't intend for that to happen in a vacuum. Again - nothing new here - except that I'm finally coming into awareness of this truth. Blogging has been instrumental in this awareness, in creating a safe space for me to share and in the sense of community it has offered, and so I have to thank each of you for being part of this journey over the last few years.
I'll be away for the next few days on a retreat of sorts - as opposed to the more or less private retreat I did last year, this will be more of a group experience. I don't exactly know what to expect but I'm quite excited about this opportunity. I would greatly covet your prayers that I will be open to God's voice and direction during this time, and that I would appropriately respond to his invitation to live life "off the page."
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Off the Page
Reflections by
2:42 PM
Labels: God-thoughts
I can always depend on you to challenge me Dianne. Yes, have a great retreat. May God use this time to touch you in a special way with His Word.
I like that thought about living off the page. May you find just the right pages to live off, through this time of retreat. :)
I'll be praying for you Dianne, and that these next few days will be used by God -- both to touch you and to touch others. You've always been a friend who inspires me to keep in step with the Spirit, and I appreciate you greatly. I pray you would be blessed during this retreat experience.
I haven't had time to stop by in a while, but I want you to know I enjoy your blog and the way you write. Prayers for your retreat.
I, too, have to work at appreciating community and not staying "private". I'll be eager to hear about your retreat experience - lifting you up in warm thoughts and prayer!
Off the page, that is something to think about! I like that.
Hope you enjoyed your retreat or get together....I think community is important too, or being in a small group or sunday school or something similar. It helps encourage us I think.
I like your post about the trapeze too, "grasping and letting go", nice!
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