Just kidding. No, seriously, if you liked my doggie Halloween getup (see post below), then could you go vote for me at http://pinkdiary808.com/? You have to leave a comment on her site with your vote. Hey it's just a book but I never win anything! So . . . if you love me - vote! And that's the extent of my begging!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
If you love me . . .
Reflections by
12:48 PM
proof of my deepest affection...
yes my name IS Kathryn but how did that happen?? I usually show as Islandsparrow.
I voted for you! Great costume.
I went. I saw. I conquered. Oh! I also voted! (for you, of course) :-)
You got my vote!
It's not a book. It's $20 of any books you want on amazon. It's worth a little shameless begging.
I haven't counted up the votes, but you are getting your fair share, and rightfully so.
I will go...immediately! You're the cutest little Boston! You made my day!
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